Studio location: Banyoles
Social: @panxiibadii

240301 Jolly Damper – Good Places Better People

Artist: Jolly Damper

Title: Good Places Better People

Label: Foehn Records

Producer: Joan Solana

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2024

Format: EP

240130 Maria Coma – Vocal Roots

Artist: Maria Coma

Title: Vocal Roots

Label: Foehn Records

Producer: Maria Coma

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Yves Roussel

Edited: 2024

Format: Album

240119 Socunbohemio – Cotxe casa gos tu i jo

Artist: Socunbohemio

Title: Cotxe casa gos tu i jo

Label: Vida Records

Producer: Biel Colomer

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2024

Format: EP

231115 Clara Peya – Corsé

Artist: Clara Peya

Title: Corsé

Label: Vida Records

Producer: Didak Fernández, Adri González, Clara Peya

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2023

Format: Album 

231106 Jordi Serradell – Eternitat

Artist: Jordi Serradell

Title: Eternitat

Label: Self-released

Producer: Jordi Casadesús, Aleix Bou

Vocal producer: Dani Ferrer

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2023

Format: Album

230928 Ven’nus – T’hi quedes

Artist: Ven’nus

Title: T’hi quedes

Label: Halley Records

Producer: Arnau Vallvé, Andre Zanetti

Mixer, Mastering: Panxii Badii 

Edited: 2023

Format: Single

230621 Amanda Álvaro – Discurso final

Artist: Amanda Álvaro

Title: Discurso final

Label: Pértiga Music

Producer: Jordi Bastida

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia 

Edited: 2023

Format: Single

230519 Gracià Pedro – Bolero d’Olga

Artist: Gracià Pedro

Title: Bolero d’Olga

Label: Self-released

Producer: Arnau Vallvé, Valen Nieto

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2023

Format: Single

230505 Adriano Galante – Toda una alegría

Artist: Adriano Galante

Title: Toda una alegría

Label: Halley Records

Producer: Arnau Figueres

Mixer: Arnau Figueres, Panxii Badii (12)

Mastering: Jan Valls

Edited: 2023

Format: Album

230421 Amanda Álvaro – Así no te vas

Artist: Amanda Álvaro

Title: Así no te vas

Label: Pértiga Music

Producer: Jordi Bastida

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia 

Edited: 2023

Format: Single

230414 Twin – Cegada por la luz

Artist: Twin
Title: Cegada por la luz
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Twin
Vocal producer: Ferran Palau, Panxii Badii
Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Àlex Ferrer
Edited: 2023
Format: Single

230414 Shi Floré – In your eyes – Back to the surface

Artist: Shi Floré
Title: In your eyes / Back to the surface
Label: Self-released
Producer: Shi Floré
Mixer, Mastering: Panxii Badii
Edited: 2023
Format: Double single

230317 Twin – Nunca será igual

Artist: Twin
Title: Nunca será igual
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Twin
Vocal producer: Ferran Palau, Panxii Badii
Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Àlex Ferrer
Edited: 2023
Format: Single

230303 Shi Floré – Weeks in Paris

Artist: Shi Floré
Title: Week in Paris
Label: Self-released
Producer: Shi Floré
Mixer, Mastering: Panxii Badii
Edited: 2023
Format: Single

230221 Guillem Roma – Postureo real

Artist: Guillem Roma
Title: Postureo Real
Label: U98 Music
Producer: Adri González, Didak Fernández
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2023
Format: Album

230202 Phoac – Handycam

Artist: Phoac
Title: Handycam / En el backseat de tu coche
Label: Foehn Records
Producer: Pau Veí
Mixer, Mastering: Panxii Badii
Edited: 2023
Format: Doube single

230126 Henrio – Somewhere Sometimes

Artist: Henrio

Title: Somewhere Sometimes

Label: Vida Records

Producer: Finn Howells

Mixer: Panxii Badii

Mastering: Victor Garcia

Edited: 2023

Format: Album

230113 Sergi Carbonell – Refugi

Artist: Sergi Carbonell

Title: Refugi

Label: Halley Records

Producer: Dani López, Arnau Figueres, Joan Borràs, Joan Palà

Mixer: Panxii Badii (4/10)

Mastering: Victor Garcia 

Edited: 2023

Format: Album

221223 Iris Deco – The wish

Artist: Iris Deco
Title: The wish
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Iris Deco, Ferran Palau, B1no, Jordi Matas, Panxii Badii
Mixer, Mastering: Panxii Badii
Edited: 2022
Format: Single

221118 Anna Ferrer – Na Roseta

Artist: Anna Ferrer
Title: Na Roseta
Label: Masanai
Producer: Oscar Garrobé
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Single

221117 Grauwi & Marta Cascales – This song will never be enought

Artist: Grauwi & Marta Cascales
Title: This song will never be enought
Label: Great Canyon Record
Producer: Dani Ferrer
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Ángel Medina
Edited: 2022
Format: Single

220906 Atina – Atina

Artist: Atina
Title: Atina
Label: Self-released
Producer: Santi Careta
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220616 Da Souza – Dies d’attrezzo

Artist: Da Souza
Title: Dies d’attrezzo
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Pau Riutort
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220607 Gracia Pedro – Avui és l’endema

Artist: Gracià Pedro
Title: Avui és l’endemà
Label: Self-released
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: EP

220603 Marta Knight – Strange times forever

Artist: Marta Knight
Title: Strange times forever
Label: La Castanya
Producer: Jordi Matas, Pau Riutort
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Heba Kadry
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220601 Pale Moon – Lemon street

Artist: Pale Moon
Title: Lemon street
Label: Alda Music
Mixer: Panxii Badii (1/2/3/10)
Mastering: Bassi Ólafsson
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220505 Judit Neddermann & Ainoa Buitrago – Como un amuleto

Artist: Judit Neddermann & Ainoa Buitrago
Title: Como un amuleto
Label: Universal Music Spain
Producer: Adri González
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Single

220429 Gigi Ros – Contacte establert

Artist: Gigi Ros
Title: Contacte establert
Label: Musica Global
Producer, Mixer: Panxii Badii (1/4), Genís Trani (2/3)
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: EP

220401 Gemma Humet – Rere tot aquest fum

Artist: Gemma Humet
Title: Rere tot aquest fum
Label: Satélite K
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220318 Intana- Planeta nou

Artist: Intana
Title: Planeta nou
Label: Satélite K
Mixer: Panxii Badii (1/4/6/7/10), Jordi Mora (2/3/5/8/9/11)
Mastering: Ferran Conangla
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220311 Clara Peya & Rodrigo Cuevas – Agua en el pulmón

Artist: Clara Peya Feat. Rodrigo Cuevas & Božo Vrećo
Title: Agua en el pulmón
Label: Vida Records
Producer: Marcel Bagés, David Soler
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Ángel Medina
Edited: 2022
Format: Single

220219 Coloma Bertran – Principis

Artist: Coloma Bertran
Title: Principis
Label: Microscopi
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2022
Format: Album

220121 Lavanda – Llinatge del desitg

Artist: Lavanda
Title: Llinatge del desitg
Label: Vida Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

211210 Ej Marais – Dream cafe

Artist: Ej Marais
Title: Dream cafe
Label: La Castanya
Producer: Pau Riutort
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Joe Laporta
Edited: 2021
Format: EP

211210 Dissonance – Theodor-Heuss-Strasse

Artist: Dissonance
Title: Theodor-Heuss-Strasse
Label: Self-released
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

211029 Maria Hein – Continet i contingut

Artist: Maria Hein
Title: Continent i contingut
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Ferran Palau
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

211014 Tom Hagan – Velomar

Artist: Tom Hagan
Title: Velomar
Label: Self-released
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210923 Laura Guarch – Krëodylia

Artist: Laura Guarch
Title: Krëodylia
Edited: Microscopi
Producer: Pau Brugada, Vic Moliner
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210917 El petit de cal Eril – NSCALH

Artist: El Petit De Cal Eril
Label: Bankrobber
Mixer: Jordi Matas
Add Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Joe Laporta
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210910 Reïna – Arts marcials

Artist: Reïna
Title: Arts marcials
Label: U98 Music
Engineer: Tomás Robisco
Producer: Lluís Cabot
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210910 Pantaleo – Afluents

Artist: Pantaleó
Title: Afluents
Label: Música Global
Producer: Gerard de Pablo
Engineer: Tomás Robisco
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210625 El útimo vecino – Mi camino perfecto

Artist: El Útimo Vecino
Title: Mi camino perfecto
Label: PIAS Iberoamérica
Producer: Pau Riutort
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210618 Ninot – Núvol

Artist: Ninot
Title: Núvol
Label: Right Here Right Now
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210611 L’Home Trencat – Bilis negra

Artist: L’Home Trencat
Title: Bilis negra
Label: Right Here Right Now
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210604 Maria Jaume – Un bon berenar

Artist: Maria Jaume
Title: Un bon berenar
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Lluís Cabot
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210522 Food4Soul – Food4Soul

Artist: Food4Soul
Title: Food4Soul
Label: Self-released
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210521 Heba – Heba 3

Artist: Heba
Title: Heba 3
Label: Self-released
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Carlos Freitas
Edited: 2021
Format: EP

210521 Guillem Roma – Kiribati

Artist: Guillem Roma
Title: Kiribati
Label: U98 Music
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210514 The Gramophone Allstars – Love letter

Artist: The Gramophone Allstars
Title: Love letter
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Genís Bou
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: EP

210512 Nyandú – El secret més ben guardat del pop

Artist: Nyandú
Title: El secret més ben guardat del pop
Label: Great Canyon Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210430 Da Souza – Boleros

Artist: Da Souza
Title: Boleros
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Jordi Matas, Pau Riutort
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: EP

210416 Rooms – Earth

Artist: Rooms
Title: Earth
Label: Exxa Recods
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210415 Núria Graham – Ready to fool you

Artist: Núria Graham
Title: Ready to fool you
Label: Primavera Labels
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Heba Kadry
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210317 Calequi – Lluvis sin sal de lágrimas

Artist: Calequi
Title: Lluvia sin sal de lágrimas
Label: Self-released
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Single

210226 Clara Peya – Perifèria

Artist: Clara Peya
Title: Perifèria
Label: Vida Records
Producer: Dídak Fernàndez, Vic Moliner, Clara Peya
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210209 Alfred Tapscott – LAAT

Artist: Alfred Tapscott
Title: L.A.A.T.
Label: U98 Music
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210122 Edgar Riu – Pedres i flors

Artist: Edgar Riu
Title: Pedres i flors
Label: Self-released
Producer: Andreu Moreno
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

210115 Daura Mangara – Poesia per bandits

Artist: Daura Mangara
Title: Poesia per bandits
Label: Self-released
Producer: Panxii Badii, Pau Brugada, Vic Moliner
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: EP

201218 Sam Berridge – Lost & found

Artist: Sam Berridge
Title: Lost & found
Label: Vida Records
Producer: Sam Berridge, Jordi Casadeús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2021
Format: Album

201218 Anna Ferrer – Toca timbal

Artist: Anna Ferrer
Title: Toca timbal
Label: Audiovisuals De Sarrià
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

201125 Jolly Damper – When you evoke

Artist: Jolly Damper
Title: When you evoke
Label: Self-released
Producer: Joan Solana
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

201030 Martin Leiton – Aparecidas

Artist: Martin Leiton
Title: Aparecidas
Label: Raso Estudio
Producer: Panxii Badii, Javi Calequi, Vincent Huma, Jordi Matas
Mixer: Panxii Badii (1/3/4/5/6/7), Juan Berbín (1/8), Vincent Huma (9)
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

201030 Gemma Humet – Màtria

Artist: Gemma Humet
Title: Màtria
Label: Satélite K
Producer: Jordi Casadeús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

201002 Junco y mimbre – Junco y mimbre

Artist: Junco y Mimbre
Title: Junco y Mimbre
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200925 Roger Usart – Llamp de bosc

Artist: Roger Usart
Title: Llamp de bosc
Label: Great Canyon Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200918 Grauwi & Marta Cascales – Anxiety

Artist: Grauwi & Marta Cascales
Title: Anxiety
Label: Self-released
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200917 Jolly Damper – Lay down

Artist: Jolly Damper
Title: Lay down
Label: Self-released
Producer: Joan Solana
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200911 Espaldamaceta – Millor que mai

Artist: Espaldamaceta
Title: Millor que mai
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer: Jordi Casadeús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200703 Clara Peya – Estat de larva

Artist: Clara Peya
Title: Estat De Larva
Label: Vida Records
Producer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200618 Jolly Damper – Jellyfish rebirth

Artist: Jolly Damper Feat. Paula Valls
Title: Jellyfish rebirth
Label: Self-released
Producer: Joan Solana
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200529 Jolly Damper – Dawn

Artist: Jolly Damper Feat. CARLA
Title: Dawn
Label: Self-released
Producer: Joan Solana
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200515 Zulabard – Year of light

Artist: Zulabard
Title: Year of light
Label: Au! Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200515 Lluc Riba – Quemad las naves

Artist: Lluc Riba
Title: Quemad las naves
Label: Self-released
Engineer: Jesús Rovira
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200506 Jacobo Serra & Xoel López – A plena luz

Artist: Jacobo Serra & Xoel López
Title: A plena luz
Label: Warner Music Spain
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200505 Dani López – Que fan les coses quan no les mires

Artist: Dani López
Title: Que fan les coses quan no les mires
Label: Segell Microscopi
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200501 Intana – Igual però diferent

Artist: Intana
Title: Igual però diferent
Label: Satélite K
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Ferran Conangla
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

200424 Germà Negre – Kumbaià

Artist: Germà Negre
Title: Kumbaià
Label: Halley Records
Producer: Marcel Casellas
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Juanjo Muñoz
Edited: 2020
Format: EP

200407 Coloma Bertran – Nocturns i diamants

Artist: Coloma Bertran
Title: Nocturns i diamants
Label: Segell Microscopi
Engineer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200327 Lu Rois – Microcosmos

Artist: Lu Rois
Title: Microcosmos
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Santi Careta, Laia Vallès
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200306 Marialluïsa – És per tu i per mi

Artist: Marialluïsa
Title: És per tu i per mi
Label: Bankrobber
Producer, Mixer: Jordi Matas
Engineer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Yves Roussel
Edited: 2020
Format: Album

200207 Intana – Per Ningú

Artist: Intana
Title: Per ningú
Label: Satélite K
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Ferran Conangla
Edited: 2020
Format: Single

191227 Guillem Roma – Despedida

Artist: Guillem Roma
Title: Despedida
Label: U98 Music
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Single

19118 Eduard Gener – Vitamina D

Artist: Eduard Gener
Title: Vitamina D
Label: RGB Suports
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

191018 Ferran Palau – Kevin

Artist: Ferran Palau
Title: Kevin
Label: Hidden Track Records
Producer, Mixer: Jordi Matas
Add Engineer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Heba Kadry
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

191011 Clara Peya – Estómac

Artist: Clara Peya
Title: Estómac
Label: Satélite K
Producer: Vic Moliner
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

190927 Jordi Serradell – Esser viu

Artist: Jordi Serradell
Title: Ésser viu
Label: Au! Records
Producer: Jordi Casadesús, Aleix Bou
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

190902 Guillem Plana – Projecte astrolabi

Artist: Guillem Plana
Title: Projecte Astrolabi
Label: Segell Microscopi
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

190523 Jolly Damper – Behold

Artist: Jolly Damper
Title: Behold
Label: Self-released
Producer: Joan Solana
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Single

190413 Duo La Loba – Verbena

Artist: Dúo La Loba
Title: Verbena
Label: Raso Estudio
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

190412 Enric Montefusco – Diagonal

Artist: Enric Montefusco
Title: Diagonal
Label: Universal Music Spain
Vocal Engineer: Panxii Badii
Mixer: Ángel Medina
Mastering: Marc Parrot
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

181028 Anna Ferrer – Kronia

Artist: Anna Ferrer
Title: Krönia
Label: Audiovisuals de Sarrià
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2019
Format: Album

181023 Roko Banana – Madness & coffee

Artist: Roko Banana
Title: Madness & coffee
Label: Self-released
Engineer: Abdon Compta
Producer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2018
Format: Album

181019 Morgat Morgat – Orgull adolescent

Artist: Morgat Morgat
Title: Orgull adolescent
Label: LAV Records
Producer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2018
Format: Album

180709 Roko Banana – Insurrection

Artist: Roko Banana
Title: Insurrection
Label: Self-released
Engineer: Abdon Compta
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Date: 2018
Format: Single

180527 La Moral Distreta – Rocacorba

Artist: La Moral Distreta
Title: Rocacorba
Label: Self-released
Producer, Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2018
Format: EP

180413 Magalí Sare – Cançons d’amor i dimonis

Artist: Magalí Sare
Title: Cançons d’amor i dimonis
Label: Self-released
Producer: Vic Moliner
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2018
Format: Album

180413 Joan Dausa – Ara som gegants

Artist: Joan Dausa
Title: Ara som gegants
Label: Promo Arts Music
Producer: Jordi Casadesús
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2018
Format: Album

171113 Andreu Moreno – Divertimento

Artist: Andreu Moreno
Title: Divertimento
Label: Self-released
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2017
Format: Album

170929 The Gramopnone Allstars Big Band – Maraca soul

Artist: The Gramophone Allstars Big Band
Title: Maraca soul
Label: Bankrobber
Producer: Genís Bou
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Juanjo Muñoz
Edited: 2017
Format: Album

170915 Intana – Ferdast

Artist: Intana
Title: Ferðast 20
Label: Satélite K
Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Ferran Conangla
Edited: 2017
Format: Single

170626 Vincent Lens – Five days

Artist: Vincent Lens
Title: Five days
Label: Self-released
Producer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2017
Format: EP

170113 Clara Peya – Oceanes

Artist: Clara Peya
Title: Oceanes
Label: Temps Record
Producer: Panxii Badii, Vic Moliner
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Yves Roussel
Edited: 2017
Format: Album

160902 Vic Moliner – Ara

Artist: Vic Moliner
Title: Ara
Label: Self-released
Engineer, Mixer: Panxii Badii
Mastering: Victor Garcia
Edited: 2016
Format: Album

160101 Mezquida Aurignac Prats – MAP

Artist: Marco Mezquida, Ernesto Aurignac, Ramón Prats
Title: MAP
Label: Self-released
Engeneer: Panxii Badii
Mixer, Mastering: Ángel Medina
Edited: 2016
Format: Album